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with Solid

Need a reliable partner to bring your digital ideas to life?
We specialize in creating cutting-edge websites and web applications that propel businesses forward.

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Why choose us?


Based in Costa Rica, we offer a convenient and
cost-effective solution without compromising on quality.

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Solid Engineering

As a passionate and skilled team, crafting robust, scalable, and secure solutions is our aim in every project

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Quality Product Delivery

We deliver top-notch results.
Our process guarantees that your website or web application functions flawlessly.

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Agile Workflow

We believe in close collaboration and continuous communication with our clients.

Ready to Start Your Digital Journey?

Contact us
today to discuss
your project

Real Teamwork

Let's work together to transform your ideas into a digital masterpiece. With 3PXLS, you can count on solid engineering, quality product delivery, and seamless communication throughout the process.

Take the first step towards success with our expert team.

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We see your
projects as ours

A strong commitment and ownership drives us to great results

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Years of experience
are our main tool

Technology comes and goes, but experience is the solid foundation for true success


Passion and
at your side

We specialize in creating visually stunning and user-friendly websites that leave a lasting impression. Whether you need a simple online presence or a complex web application, our team leverages the latest technologies to deliver websites that reflect your brand identity and drive engagement.

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With more than 15 years of experience, our team has become expert in digital innovations.

We help brands grow through technology and partnership

Let's talk

Tech can improve your business and have an outstanding impact on your growth. Let us be a part of your business success story.

Our expertise extends beyond websites. We design and develop powerful web applications tailored to your specific business needs.

Our services start and end with solid and transparent communication with our clients. Through a process of iteration and prototyping, we understand your business needs and bring solutions that add real value.

At 3PXLS, quality is at the heart of everything we do. We believe that every line of code should contribute to the success of your business. That's why we follow rigorous testing and quality assurance processes to ensure that our solutions perform flawlessly and meet the highest industry standards.

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Here are some of
our projects

We are excited to show you some of the projects we have been working

We work with bold and dynamic brands

Amado Legal Logo
Histologiq Logo
Asistente Virtual Logo
Instituto Cirugía Mínimamente Invasiva Logo


This is what our clients say about us

And no, this is not an auto-generated section with dummy testimonials as you see in other sites ;)

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Communication with 3PXLS was very straight forward and they were always very easy to work with. Definitely made the whole process very simple for us.

Layla Amado
Lawyer, Amado Legal
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I did not want to deal with technical stuff. They understood this from the first meeting and they focused on delivering our website without much intervention from our end.

Francisco Amado
Lawyer, Amado Legal
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During a meeting, I exposed my ideas, and the 3PXLS team went further to really understand what problems we had. They proposed a different solution and it ended-up being exactly what we needed.

Esteban Abarca
Manager, Histologiq


Ask, understand, implement, repeat until we deliver

  • Agile methodologies
  • Constant client interaction
  • Iterate through improvement
  • Seamless Communication
  • Quality and performance

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Lat’s make someting great together

Contact us today to discuss your project requirements. We are here to listen, understand, and collaborate with you every step of the way. Together, let's transform your vision into a reality.

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